/** * @name StyledMarkerMaker * @version 0.5 * @author Gabriel Schneider * @copyright (c) 2010 Gabriel Schneider * @fileoverview This gives you static functions for creating dynamically * styled markers using Charts API outputs as well as an ability to * extend with custom types. */ /** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var StyledIconTypes = {}; var StyledMarker, StyledIcon; /** * @param {Function} childCtor Child class. * @param {Function} parentCtor Parent class. */ function inherits(childCtor, parentCtor) { /** @constructor */ function tempCtor() {}; tempCtor.prototype = parentCtor.prototype; childCtor.superClass_ = parentCtor.prototype; childCtor.prototype = new tempCtor(); /** @override */ childCtor.prototype.constructor = childCtor; } (function() { var bu_ = 'https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chst='; var gm_ = google.maps; var gp_ = gm_.Point; var ge_ = gm_.event; var gmi_ = gm_.MarkerImage; /** * This class is an extended version of google.maps.Marker. It allows * styles to be applied that change it's appearance. * @extends google.maps.Marker * @param {StyledMarkerOptions} StyledMarkerOptions The options for the Marker */ StyledMarker = function(styledMarkerOptions) { gm_.Marker.call(this); var me=this; var ci = me.styleIcon = styledMarkerOptions.styleIcon; me.bindTo('icon',ci); me.bindTo('shadow',ci); me.bindTo('shape',ci); me.setOptions(styledMarkerOptions); }; inherits(StyledMarker, gm_.Marker); /** * This class stores style information that can be applied to StyledMarkers. * @extends google.maps.MVCObject * @param {StyledIconType} styledIconType The type of style this icon is. * @param {StyledIconOptions} styledIconOptions The options for this StyledIcon. * @param {StyledIcon} styleClass A class to apply extended style information. */ StyledIcon = function(styledIconType,styledIconOptions,styleClass) { var k; var me=this; var i_ = 'icon'; var sw_ = 'shadow'; var s_ = 'shape'; var a_ = []; function gs_() { var image_ = document.createElement('img'); var simage_ = document.createElement('img'); ge_.addDomListenerOnce(simage_, 'load', function() { var w = simage_.width, h = simage_.height; me.set(sw_,new gmi_(styledIconType.getShadowURL(me),null,null,styledIconType.getShadowAnchor(me,w,h))); simage = null; }); ge_.addDomListenerOnce(image_, 'load', function() { var w = image_.width, h = image_.height; me.set(i_,new gmi_(styledIconType.getURL(me),null,null,styledIconType.getAnchor(me,w,h))); me.set(s_,styledIconType.getShape(me,w,h)); image_ = null; }); image_.src = styledIconType.getURL(me); simage_.src = styledIconType.getShadowURL(me); } /** * set: * This function sets a given style property to the given value. * @param {String} name The name of the property to set. * @param {Object} value The value to set the property to. * get: * This function gets a given style property. * @param {String} name The name of the property to get. * @return {Object} */ me.as_ = function(v) { a_.push(v); for(k in styledIconOptions) { v.set(k, styledIconOptions[k]); } } if (styledIconType !== StyledIconTypes.CLASS) { for (k in styledIconType.defaults) { me.set(k, styledIconType.defaults[k]); } me.setValues(styledIconOptions); me.set(i_,styledIconType.getURL(me)); me.set(sw_,styledIconType.getShadowURL(me)); if (styleClass) styleClass.as_(me); gs_(); me.changed = function(k) { if (k!==i_&&k!==s_&&k!==sw_) { gs_(); } }; } else { me.setValues(styledIconOptions); me.changed = function(v) { styledIconOptions[v] = me.get(v); for (k = 0; k < a_.length; k++) { a_[k].set(v,me.get(v)); } }; if (styleClass) styleClass.as_(me); } }; StyledIcon.prototype = new gm_.MVCObject(); /** * StyledIconType * This class holds functions for building the information needed to style markers. * getURL: * This function builds and returns a URL to use for the Marker icon property. * @param {StyledIcon} icon The StyledIcon that holds style information * @return {String} * getShadowURL: * This function builds and returns a URL to use for the Marker shadow property. * @param {StyledIcon} icon The StyledIcon that holds style information * @return {String{ * getAnchor: * This function builds and returns a Point to indicate where the marker is placed. * @param {StyledIcon} icon The StyledIcon that holds style information * @param {Number} width The width of the icon image. * @param {Number} height The height of the icon image. * @return {google.maps.Point} * getShadowAnchor: * This function builds and returns a Point to indicate where the shadow is placed. * @param {StyledIcon} icon The StyledIcon that holds style information * @param {Number} width The width of the shadow image. * @param {Number} height The height of the shadow image. * @return {google.maps.Point} * getShape: * This function builds and returns a MarkerShape to indicate where the Marker is clickable. * @param {StyledIcon} icon The StyledIcon that holds style information * @param {Number} width The width of the icon image. * @param {Number} height The height of the icon image. * @return {google.maps.MarkerShape} */ StyledIconTypes.CLASS = {}; StyledIconTypes.MARKER = { defaults: { text:'', color:'00ff00', fore:'000000', starcolor:null }, getURL: function(props){ var _url; var starcolor_=props.get('starcolor'); var text_=props.get('text'); var color_=props.get('color').replace(/#/,''); var fore_=props.get('fore').replace(/#/,''); if (starcolor_) { _url = bu_ + 'd_map_xpin_letter&chld=pin_star|'; } else { _url = bu_ + 'd_map_pin_letter&chld='; } if (text_) { text_ = text_.substr(0,2); } _url+=text_+'|'; _url+=color_+'|'; _url+=fore_; if (starcolor_) { _url+='|'+starcolor_.replace(/#/,''); } return _url; }, getShadowURL: function(props){ if (props.get('starcolor')) { return bu_ + 'd_map_xpin_shadow&chld=pin_star'; } else { return bu_ + 'd_map_pin_shadow'; } }, getAnchor: function(props,width,height){ return new gp_(width / 2,height); }, getShadowAnchor: function(props,width,height){ return new gp_(width / 4,height); }, getShape: function(props,width,height){ var _iconmap = {}; _iconmap.coord = [ width / 2, height, (7 / 16) * width, (5 / 8) * height, (5 / 16) * width, (7 / 16) * height, (7 / 32) * width, (5 / 16) * height, (5 / 16) * width, (1 / 8) * height, (1 / 2) * width, 0, (11 / 16) * width, (1 / 8) * height, (25 / 32) * width, (5 / 16) * height, (11 / 16) * width, (7 / 16) * height, (9 / 16) * width, (5 / 8) * height ]; for (var i = 0; i < _iconmap.coord.length; i++) { _iconmap.coord[i] = Math.round(_iconmap.coord[i]); } _iconmap.type = 'poly'; return _iconmap; } }; StyledIconTypes.BUBBLE = { defaults: { text:'', color:'00ff00', fore:'000000' }, getURL: function(props){ var _url = bu_ + 'd_bubble_text_small&chld=bb|'; _url+=props.get('text')+'|'; _url+=props.get('color').replace(/#/,'')+'|'; _url+=props.get('fore').replace(/#/,''); return _url; }, getShadowURL: function(props){ return bu_ + 'd_bubble_text_small_shadow&chld=bb|' + props.get('text'); }, getAnchor: function(props,width,height){ return new google.maps.Point(0,42); }, getShadowAnchor: function(props,width,height){ return new google.maps.Point(0,44); }, getShape: function(props,width,height){ var _iconmap = {}; _iconmap.coord = [ 0,44, 13,26, 13,6, 17,1, width - 4,1, width,6, width,21, width - 4,26, 21,26 ]; _iconmap.type = 'poly'; return _iconmap; } }; })();